Spell Tutor 1.1 © 1996, Roger M. Clary All rights reserved Creating a Spelling Test 1) From the opening window select 'Create Test' 2) Enter a name for your new test 3) When the create windows appear, type your first word in the edit field with the blinking cursor. When finished, click RECORD or press . 4) The recording dialog will appear. Click record and say the word into your mic. Click stop when you are finished. (Try to keep your recording as short as possible to save memory. Most words should take no more than 1 sec.) If you wish to hear what you just recorded, click play. If you are not satisfied, click record again to record over your previous effort. When you are satisfied with the recording, click SAVE. 5) You will return to the create window and be prompted to enter the second word. Repeat the same procedure. When you are finished with the list, click DONE. Note: To keep memory requirements low, Spell Tutor is limited to 30 words and a maximum of 16 letters in each word. Changing a word in the current list 1) To change or correct a word previously entered, click on it in the window to the left. That word will be placed into the edit field automatically. Make any changes to the word. Click record or press . You will be asked if you wish to re-record the sound. Same precedure as above. 2) When you click SAVE or NO, you will return to entering the next word on the list. Editing a previously saved spelling list 1) From the opening window, choose OPEN... from the FILE MENU. (This is the only window where this choice is available.) Choose the test you wish to open. You will go to the create window and the list will be placed into the left window. From here you may add to the list, or edit previous words by following the procedure above. Taking a test 1) Choose 'Take Test' from the opening window. 2) Select the test you wish to take. 3) When a dialog box appears, click original order to hear the words in the order which they were entered or, click random order to have the words mixed up. 4) Click HEAR THE WORD or press to hear the first word. 5) After you have entered the word, click OK or press . 6) The word will appear in either the correct or incorrect list. 7) After you enter the final word, you will see a screen showing you your score. There will also be 3 or 4 buttons depending on whether you missed any words. Review Misses allows you to review just the missed words. Review All gives you the entire list again. New List allow you to open another test Quit returns you to the opening screen 8) From the review screen, you can choose Print List from the File Menu and the list will be printed with an * beside the missed words. Special secret: While in the Redo Screen only, you can press the up arrow key and the correct spelling of the word will appear in the edit field for 1 second. If you find Spell Tutor 1.1 useful, please register your copy. Send $7 to: Roger Clary 7325 E. Firelands Hudson, OH 44236